The stuff I do

Guitar 🔗

I'm using this page to gather resources that I've found useful while learning music. Maybe one day I will organize that properly to make it easier to read for anyone who is not me.

Chords and staffs 🔗

Music theory - Scales, Chords, Fretboard... 🔗

Scales and chords visualization tools
Notes on the fretboard

Notes sur le manche
Guitar fingerboard chart

Blues scale in A

Position I Pentatonique mineur en La - Position I
Position II Pentatonique mineur en La - Position II
Position III Pentatonique mineur en La - Position III
Position IV-1 Pentatonique mineur en La - Position IV 1
Position IV-2 Pentatonique mineur en La - Position IV 2
Position V Pentatonique mineur en La - Position V

CAGED system

Pick up music - The CAGED system explained

Learning to read a staff


Points de reperes

Mnemonic in French:

Guitar open string on the staff:
Points de repere cordes ouvertes

iOS applications

Chords progressions and licks 🔗

Common chord progressions 🔗

Common chords progressions

LoFi 🔗

Lately Lui - Amsterdam
Dmin7b5 - x5656x
G13     - 3x344x
Cmin7   - x3534x
Cmin9   - x3133x
LANDR - Lofi Guitar tutorial
Amin7   - 5x555x
B7#5    - 7x788x
Emin9   - x7577x
Fmin7   - 1x111x
G7#5    - 3x344x
Cmin9   - x3133x
C9sus4  - x3333x
Bbmaj7  - 6  x 7  7  6 x
Gmin9   - x 10 8 10 10 x
Ebmaj7  - x  6 8  7  8 6
Ebmin7  - x  6 8  6  7 6
Mondo Loops - Lofi Hiphop Guitar
C#min7  - x46454
G#min7  - 4x444x
F#min7  - x24222

Blues 🔗

12 bars blues variations
Blues backing tracks
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