The stuff I do

Creating my homemade environmental sensors system

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This article is a work in progress

Supporting software architecture 🔗

The first component needed for this system is a logging system which allows me to

To get these features I'm using my API and an Elasticsearch cluster that I setup earlier.

The API has an endpoint dedicated to reporting data from the sensors. The endpoint uses a JSON schema to validate the body of the POST requests it receives and only allows a specific list of fields to be sent. When a valid request is received, the data is sent via a JSON message to logstash with a specific message indicating that the log contains sensor data.

When logstash received this message, its pipeline detects the specific message and writes the log to a dedicated data stream meant to contain only environmental metrics. I can then use Kibana to create all the visualizations I need to this metric data.

I cut a few corners to get things working for now, but a few things could be reworked in this system:

Breadboard prototyping 🔗

I went through several iterations to get a working sensor. The goal was to create a device with the following features:

For the basis of my devices, I chose to use the Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP8266. I chose it for its ability to connect to a Wi-Fi network without hassle, the several input pins it offers, and its compatibility with the FeatherWing Proto, which allows creating a self-contained device without having to design and print a complete PCB.

VMA320 🔗

I created my first iterations on a breadboard, and the first sensor I tried was a VMA320, which I had laying around in my toolkit. The VMA320 returns the current temperature on its data pin with an analog output.


temperature range: -55 °C to 125 °C
accuracy: ± 0.5°C
connection: analog output

The analog output of the VMA320 is proportional to the logic voltage we apply to it. Since the ESP8266 has a 3V logic, the output can go up to 3V, but the analog input pin of the ESP8266 can handle only up to 1V. So I needed to create a voltage divider to be able to read the output of the sensor.

This had two major drawbacks:

With this first version I confirmed that I was able to

Breadboard VMA320

The early prototype: Breadboard version of ESP8266 reading from a VMA320

Schematics VMA320

The early prototype: Schematics version of ESP8266 reading from a VMA320
#include <math.h>

 * Code for the VMA320 temperature sensor

#define SENSOR_PIN A0 // Input PIN: ADC (The only analogue pin on ESP8266)

// Based on
double analogToCelsius(int RawADC) {
    double Temp;
    Temp =log(10000.0/(1024.0/RawADC-1)); // for pull-up configuration
    Temp = 1 / (0.001129148 + (0.000234125 + (0.0000000876741 * Temp * Temp ))* Temp );
    Temp = Temp - 273.15;            // Convert Kelvin to Celcius
    return Temp;

double readTempCelsius() {
    int sensorvalue = analogRead(SENSOR_PIN);
    double celsius = analogToCelsius(sensorvalue);

    return celsius;
The code to read from the VMA320 is awkward

DHT11 and battery level 🔗

My second iteration replaced the VMA320 with a DHT11 I also had from an earlier attempt at this project. This allowed me to free the ESP8266 analog pin and to benefit from the more accurate sensor.


temperature range: 0 °C to 50 °C
accuracy: ± 2°C

humidity range: 20% to 80%
accuracy: ± 5%

connection: digital output
sampling rate: 0.5Hz to 1Hz (Depending on the sources)

Breadboard DHT11

Early prototype: Breadboard version of ESP8266 reading from a DHT11

To read the sensor's data I used adafruit's DHT library which allowed me to greatly simplify my code:

#define DHTPIN 13      // Pin used to read the DHT sensor
#define DHTTYPE DHT11  // Can be changed for DHT22 sensors

// Initialize DHT sensor for normal 16mhz Arduino

void initDHT() {

float* readDHT() {
    // Reading temperature or humidity takes about 250 milliseconds!
    // Sensor readings may also be up to 2 seconds 'old' (its a very slow sensor)
    float h = dht.readHumidity();
    // Read temperature as Celsius
    float t = dht.readTemperature();

    float* result = new float[2];
    result[0] = t;
    result[1] = h;

    // Check if any reads failed
    if (isnan(h) || isnan(t)) {
        Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!");

    return result;

With this version I also started using a Li-Po battery to power the system. This is the part that I was most worried about because Li-Po batteries tend to be explode pretty impressively when mishandled and I'm not keen on seeing that happening in my house. Using this type of battery requires a basic understanding of how they work to avoid pushing them into unsafe zones.

The Li-Po voltage is around 4.2V when fully charged. It then decreases to around 3.7V and remains stable at this voltage for a relatively long time. Subsequently, the voltage drops quickly. It is recommended to stop using the battery below 3.3V, and the battery's protection circuitry is designed to shut it down completely at around 2.5V.

To monitor the battery level, I created a voltage divider to scale the 4.2V voltage down to 1V, which I could then read from the ESP8266 analog pin. As shown in the schematic, I could also use my voltmeter to directly measure the battery's output voltage.

Battery voltage divider

Voltage divider schematic to read battery level

After adding some code to convert the analog reading into a percentage of charge and send it to the server, I successfully created my first visualization with a graph showing the temperature, humidity, and battery level.

First Kibana Visualization

The first Kibana visualization

At this point the main loop of the arduino code was as follow:

I decided to let the system run for several hours to observe its performance, and it seemed to work well. I got confused by my battery readings and ended up asking for help on the adafruit forum:

Even though my calculations for the battery percentage were slightly inaccurate, the discharge curve of my battery matched exactly what I had expected based on my research into Li-Po batteries. Therefore, both my voltage divider and raw readings were correct!

Kibana battery overuse

Battery tension dropping

From the breadboard to the protoboard 🔗

With my initial tests successful, I decided to transition my sensor setup from the breadboard to a more permanent solution that would be easier to move around the house and manipulate. To achieve this, I mounted the Feather on a mini breadboard and utilized the FeatherWing to establish connections to the sensor and implement the voltage divider for the battery.

Protoboard version
Protoboard version

Moving the project to a protoboard

DHT22 🔗

At this point, I replaced the DHT11 sensor with a DHT22 module. The DHT22 is essentially an upgraded version of the DHT11, and the module includes a convenient pull-up resistor.


temperature range: -40 °C to 80 °C
accuracy: ± 0.5°C

humidity range: 0% to 100%
accuracy: ± 2-5%

connection: digital output
sampling rate: 0.5Hz

Adafruit has an interesting comparison page. Switching to the DHT22 was quite convenient: the DHT library functions the same way for both sensors, so it was simply a matter of connecting it to the same pins and changing the DHTTYPE constant in my code.

I also created a second device identical to the first one and let them run for several days to compare their readings. The following graph shows these readings:

Similar curves for two different sensors

Similar curves for two different sensors

I am pleased with the results. Although my methodology is not the most scientific, I am fairly confident to say that:

With these results, I'm not certain about the absolute accuracy of the readings (e.g., whether the sensors accurately reflect the current temperature: when they indicate 24°C is it really 24°C or 22°C or 26°C?), but they should be meaningful and sufficient for my goal of understanding how temperature evolves in my apartment.

BME280 🔗

Another metric I wanted to track in my system is atmospheric pressure. For this, I used a BME280 sensor, which I connected to one of my devices that already had a DHT22. This allowed me to have both sensors in the same location and use a single ESP8266 to read from them.

I opted to use the BME280 in I2C connection mode, requiring only 4 pins to connect to the board: 2 for power supply and 2 for data reading. The I2C connection also means that the sampling rate is essentially as fast as I want now (not that it matters since I am still polling the sensors every 10 minutes).


temperature range: -40 °C to 85 °C
accuracy: ± 0.5°C

humidity range: 0% to 100%
accuracy: ± 3%

pressure range: 300hPa to 1100 hPa
accuracy: ± 1hPa

connection: I2C (also support SPI)
sampling rate: -

Protoboard with BME280

Protoboard with BME280

I then compared the readings of the BME280 with those of the two DHT22 sensors to check for calibration issues. The raw values show the BME280 as the pink curve, while the blue and green curves represent the two DHT22 sensors.

Raw values comparison

The BME280 is not calibrated the same way as the DHT22 (left: temperatures, right: humidity)

For the temperature, the BME280 closely follows the trend of the other two sensors but with an offset of about 0.6°C. Regarding humidity, the situation is more complex: there appears to be both an offset and a scaling issue. After adjusting the humidity curve using the formula 20 + (0.7 * last_value(document.humidity2, kql='"document.humidity2": *')), I obtained the following results:

Corrected values comparison

However the readings can be transformed to better fit the DHT22 readings (left: temperatures, right: humidity)

Good enough for me! Again, I'm unsure about the absolute calibration of the sensors, but they are consistent with each other, so my measurements should be reliable.

I also really liked this article by Robert Smith about his process for calibrating thermometers. At some point, I intend to try a similar ice bath experiment.

Adding an enclosure 🔗

Now that I'm confident my sensors work well, I want to enclose them properly. I have two different needs: enclosures for the indoor sensors to tidy up cables and protect them from daily life, and enclosures for the outdoor sensors that need to be weatherproof.

Indoor enclosure 🔗

For my indoor enclosure I am considering two options:

Mastering Mecabricks to design a Lego enclosure and then using the Lego Pick a Brick to acquire the necessary bricks. However, this option is on hold until I improve my skills with the online tool.

Using a colleague's 3D printer to print a suitable enclosure. I have started to gather quotes for the project, but this is also on hold for now.

Sensor quotes

Behold my incredible technical drawing skills!

Outdoor enclosure 🔗

This enclosure is more complex because it needs to protect the board and the battery from significant humidity changes while allowing the sensor to be exposed to the environment for accurate readings. I have no experience with this type of project, but I intuition tells me that exposing electronic components and sensitive batteries outdoors requires some caution.

Therefore, I began by researching and educating myself:

These papers are super interesting but I ended up winging it: I bought a small plastic enclosure similar to this one with a toric joint for waterproofing and a weatherproof cable gland. The idea is to have the sensor outside of the box while the ESP8266 and its battery remain safe in a waterprood box.

Weather-proof enclosure
Weather-proof enclosure with cable gland

To test this enclosure I used my two DHT22 sensors: One in the box and one not in the box:

Metrics in the weather-proof enclosure

Metrics in the weather-proof enclosure

I found that the box doesn't prevent temperature changes (as expected), but it does maintain the humidity level at what it was when sealed. This should be sufficient for my upcoming initial tests of the outdoor sensor.

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